CTTS Meeting 22 April 2018
Auburn, AL
In Conjunction with the Sherwood Meeting
Jardin: Summary of milestones
King: Update on NTM, RWM and ideal-mode disruption modeling
King: NIMROD code developement
Ferraro: M3D-C1 code development
Banerjee: NIMROD simulation of MGI mitigation on EAST and CFETR
Lyons: Mitigation simulations with M3D-C1 and NIMROD
Samulyak: Progress on Fronteir Simulations
Krebs: M3D-C1 VDE simulations
Bunkers: Progress on the VDE benchmark and maganetized-sheath BC in NIMROD
Beidler: Nonlinear Mode Penetration Caused by Transient MP
Strauss: JET and ITER disruption simulations
Spencer: CEL continuum closure efforts and plans
Jardin: JA-2 summary
Jardin: Soft beta-limit simulations
please email contributions to jardin@pppl.gov